Monday, April 23, 2007

Today's sky report

I realize Ive been kind of a non-blogger for quite a while, but I didnt want to let April 15 get too far behind me before I declared it the official ice out day for 2007.  Yes, the ice on the pond is finally gone for good.  We had a lot of melting the week before April 15, but at night, the ice was reforming.  Finally, one morning, it wasnt there, but a mallard duck was.  So that was ice out.  Unfortunately, ice out was followed by water in.  We had worse flooding than last years Mothers Day floods.  This time the water completely covered the basement floor and was 3 inches deep in some places (yes, I used a ruler to measure).  The only good news is that I was more prepared this time with my own surface sump and almost everything up off the floor.  Two 100 year floods in two years.  Hmmm, how long does that mean Im covered for?

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